Who am I?

Glad you asked! Iā€™m Ed, a professional photographer/videographer who grew up in Maryland. Growing up I loved spending my time outdoors, playing and exploring. On rainy days, I would draw pictures of my favorite cartoon characters. During my teen years, I discovered photography as it became more readily available with mobile phones. I immediately fell in love with photography, and now, it is my passion.

I love adventures to anywhere I can capture images that would make my audience want to discover more about nature or the cities around us. There's no feeling like having someone trust you to capture something for them; the level of trust and being able to deliver is what keeps me going.

If there's a way to get the job done I will find it.

With an education in graphic design I finally realized I absolutely love being behind the camera more. Heading down this path of actually having true quality gear with me at all times has made me realize behind the camera is where I am meant to be.